Count me among those “Climate” deniers, and I’m so proud of this fact! After all my position has not once been disproved, nor has “Climate Change” ever been proved! 🙂 Once you begin along a path which requires bending the truth, in other words, lying, it never ends there, you gotta keep on lying! Ever noticed that? 😉 And with Halloween less than 60 days away I wanted to honor the celebration by bringing out that which is obvious, a more destructive lie has never been promulgated as large as the one the Democrats are running with, that lie known as “Climate Change”. It’s Generation 2.0, the predecessor of which was known only as “Global Warming”. And when that first lie didn’t generate enough public frenzy [and raising of illicit corporate taxes] then suddenly “Climate Change” was born. Imagine that. Both are bold-faced lies, lies from their inception and for two primary reasons – there exists no conspiracy to which humans have the ability to destroy an always unpredictable, but fully functional seasonal weather pattern here on Earth. There’s nothing humans can, or cannot do, to permanently change the weather on this planet. Everything we can invent comes from natural resources of the planet, which was formed naturally, never by us. Secondly, humans will never control the weather, yet Democrats so want you to believe in fairy tales and unicorns, with details that purport in some way that planet Earth is a victim of our own malfeasance. Therefore, we should all be punished [but mostly our private corporations] with some kind of monetary fine completely made-up by these Democrats [and out of thin air]. Then somehow if we all magically comply the problem will go away? 🙂 But again, notice that only once we have developed a sizable enough guilt and donated enough [of our hard-earned money] in $fines in the name of their new “regulations” will this issue go away. This entirely fictional construct has now perpetuated one of the greatest lies of our lifetimes! So much so that my goal in life [at this point] is to live long enough to see yet another Democrat Party created hoax completely discredited, and to be perfectly honest, I really cannot wait for the moment. It’s coming, as the truth is never delivered [too early].
Let me introduce to you what you can expect next from these Leftist Alarmists, once “Climate Change” has been totally discredited, [and it will be], I predict they’ll turn to the next follow-on lie, a new fake conspiracy focused around the fear of “Rotational Failure”. What this is, is just another unicorn conclusion by the Left. But this time the problem will be described as a situation where the Earth’s population is not evenly distributed enough. Follow me on this as they will now claim that there are too many people living in too confined of an area for the Earth to be able to turn properly on its own axis, therefore by inhabiting the planet “incorrectly” we are forming a wobbly, unstable orbit for our planet. Don’t laugh friends because it’s coming, [I make predictions for a living]. So what the Leftist Democrat Progressives will propose as a solution is to disperse the population of people [by force] as evenly as possible across vast amounts of real estate as well as their possessions in the form of whatever equipment, automobiles, even farms with livestock, and other domestic animals they may own so that it can all be more evenly distributed across the Earth’s surface. Otherwise they will profess that the consequences of ignoring this [made-up fairytale] will reek total havoc and eventually destroy the planet and all of us along with it. Furthermore, according to these Leftist zealots our planet will stray from its normal rotation and orbit and perhaps collide with other planets in our own galaxy, and maybe even outside our galaxy. And see? A “real catastrophe” always awaits anyone who disagrees with their “new” rotational theory. Therefore, the then United Socialist States will have to disperse the population more evenly going forward. If that means you can’t choose where you want to live in the United States then so be it. It’s all for the preservation of the planet right? It has nothing to do with the fact that some cities and states will no longer be [attractive enough places to live] and therefore receive less tax revenue from private citizens and federal funding. No, American Socialists will want taxes equally distributed among the 50 states going forward, so as to make sure that no states or cities are getting a clear advantage while the Earth can no longer rotate on its own axis without our complete cooperation. 🙂 See how this works now? LMAO! In the meantime a whole new round of taxes must be collected [by the federal government] just to avoid any future Earthbound catastrophes in accordance with new “Rotational Failure” initiatives. You see now how stuff works with Wacked out Leftist Progressives? I LMAO daily at these total idiots!
Untruthfulness Merges Into “Hocus Pocus”

Untruthfulness Merges Into “Hocus Pocus”
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