Who Knew? Apples Flourish Under Communist Rule!

Who Knew? Apples Flourish Under Communist Rule!

Did you know this? I doubt you did, you may want to read what I know about the makers of Apple iPhones and their symbiotic relationship with the Communist Chinese Regime.

It was probably back in 2014 or so, I was sitting at my desk in the office contemplating my next move for clients when I read a Wall St. analyst’s piece on just how Apple stock was able to defy gravity for so long when other common stock issues had not. I wouldn’t normally care to listen to opinions on single stock issues but this time I thought I would give what he had to offer a glance, a chance. It proved useful as there was one little nugget of information I took away from that article which opened up a whole new understanding for me. Just one piece to the puzzle that I bet no one outside of Apple’s board and a few officers of the organization were privy to. The analyst pointed something out that filled in the last piece of the puzzle for me. The fact was that Apple’s buyback program had accounted for a whopping 50-60% of the stock price’s advance going back over several years. That’s right, the company’s stock buyback program was placing what would seem [to the outsider] to be an enormous demand for its shares while, on the contrary, retail and institutional investors in Apple had only accounted for one-half or less of the stock’s price over that same period of time. Knowing this fact going forward, what could possibly go wrong for a shareholder in Apple stock right? 🙂 This was alarming to me personally but it explained a lot. I had several clients who owned shares of Apple, none of which I had ever solicited… maybe I had an eye for something that didn’t seem quite right?

So now we know that it was the company itself which boosted demand for its own shares over many years, which had an enormous effect on the price. [I should point out to the layman that corporate share buyback programs are completely legal, but it’s rare to see one of this magnitude continuing without interruption in perpetuity, which is kind of queer in itself and Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, is queer also so maybe this it can make some sense? I was always under the presumption that these illegitimate regimes outside the U.S. killed homosexuals?] Oh well, we have more important things to consider before you get bored of reading my scribbles.

Just how was Apple able to afford this enormous stock re-purchase program and make it perpetual without end? Ever heard of a company called Foxconn? Ask Tim Cook who Foxconn is. If you own an i-Phone chances are you’ve at least heard the name. Pick up your i-Phone for a second and examine it carefully, what you’re holding in your hand was entirely made, or at least all the parts were assembled by Foxconn in Communist China. [Foxconn is a consortium between Apple and the Communist Chinese regime.] That little thing you have in your hand traveled over here from a Communist country, over to where Democrats [our personal home-grown Commies] reside, and somehow found its way into your own home. Still today, 75% of all Apple i-Phones are assembled in Communist China by the use of slave labor @ Foxconn. Now are you seeing a connection here between how Apple’s largest moneymaker, the i-Phone, could garner enormous profits? There were several reports that leaked a few years back involving Chinese laborers for Foxconn. Some jumped to their deaths out of windows to escape or found other ways to kill themselves while working at Foxconn’s location, lest they continue to have to work for nothing @ Tim Cook’s local Communist construct. News reports coming out of Foxconn were no doubt suppressed as the Chinese Communist government always claimed they were exaggerated. Notice how every piece of real news is always “exaggerated” when it comes to these Communists and our American Leftist Socialists? I have. There is no doubt that Apple has been able to flourish by using Communist labor over the years to make their number one selling product while the Communist Chinese regime, in turn, also received major benefits from this symbiotic relationship. The Chinese are more than happy to build out a spy network to spy on American government, its citizens, and even interfer in our elections by the use of their state owned i-Phone apps such as Tiktok and other social media outlets, including Twitter. If any of your kids are on Tiktok, “ouch” is all I can say because that’s how this Communist regime keeps track of you and your personal activities. Isn’t this a lovely mess that Apple and Tim Cook have gotten American citizens into all while we’re living lives over here in our own country? It makes “kind of ugly” seem like the understatement of the century!

So given the enormous profit margins that Apple has realized via their symbiotic relationship with the largest Communist regime in the world one would have to surmise that Apples really do grow better under Communist Rule. It’s the plain truth, it’s just “How Stuff Works”. 😉

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Jeff Page
2 years ago

China needs to be taken off of “Most Favored Nation”, “Third World” status not now, but yesterday. You own Apple whether you want to or not. TSM makes their chips (Coming to Arizona) but not coming with water or helium, much needed supplies for manufacturing chips and processors. This all bodes well for Argentinian oil and overpriced iPhone, commies doing business with commies!