To a Democrat Politician, Oil is “Evil!”

To a Democrat Politician, Oil is “Evil!”

Their reasons are many, it’s environmentally unfriendly, it creates fumes, it contaminates water and it harms land and sea should it spill by accident. And while they’re reprimanding oil companies for even existing, they’ve been consuming just as much petroleum as anyone else – maybe even more! Democrats so proudly go around giving speeches on how America must eliminate oil drilling and change our power grids to clean energy sources such as wind and solar. And can anyone guess how they get to these speech engagements? They travel around in private planes, big boats, helicopters, and limousines – every travel arrangement I’ve ever seen a Democrat take thus far runs on oil… but let’s not forget, that oil is “evil”.

Has anyone broke the bad news to a Democrat, informing them of where plastics actually come from? Has anyone yet delivered the news to the Socialist minded that plastics are by-products of petroleum, that without petroleum plastics wouldn’t have even been invented? That had we never drilled for petroleum that we would have been forced to use wood as a substitute for a ton of applications that are currently produced using plastics? This all means that our forests would have probably disappeared by now, no doubt about that. Gosh, maybe we should never tell a Socialist where plastics are derived, let them find out for themselves? <Laughing!>

At this writing I could walk into any home of a Democrat and point out more than 100 items inside their own home that are made from plastic. Items that they have absolutely no issue with at all, yet it took drilling for petroleum to produce it in the first place, and that otherwise it wouldn’t exist. Democrats don’t have solutions, wind and solar are not the answer. We have those now and neither one is making much of a dent in our power needs these days. These cleaner alternatives are certainly nowhere near ready to substitute for our need of oil production. But Democrats are the first ones to say that “drilling for oil is evil and it must be stopped.” Will someone out there volunteer to break the bad news to a Democrat? 😊

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