Are you the problem? For some of you who landed on this page I’m here to say – the problem is You! Look in the mirror my friend. Let’s examine the argument against believing in the term, “Make America Great Again”. What is wrong with any premise that wants to make America Great Again? The correct answer is nothing is wrong with this premise, that of making a [once] great country, great again. Nobody said it would cost you anything, in fact it could even save you money and keep you from personal harm in the long run. Making the country great again is for all – young, old, and including those from all backgrounds. There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with an idea as logical as Making America Great Again, or MAGA abbreviated. However, I’m detecting a few disturbing things from people opposed to the idea of living in a place that seeks to aspire to greatness. The very notion of making something great doesn’t sit well with some people, you may be one of these. So I want to talk about you, those of you in this group of oddities.
We can draw conclusions about those of you who are opposed to seeing someone else happy, while you’re choosing to wallow in misery, that’s all part of the puzzle isn’t it? Let’s say you’re miserable so you want nothing more than your neighbor to be miserable also so you cast a vote for more misery? After all, misery loves company right? That’s how that works. However, I wanted to point out there’s something way wrong with anyone who is against making America great again. It’s plain and simple, there’s a mental issue here with anyone who would argue against making the place they live better, or greater than it currently is. Yet there are plenty of people out there that hate the idea of making where they live “great again”. Is this not pure insanity? Is this not totally illogical?
I’m not saying that I expect people to sport a MAGA hat or t-shirt to display their support for the idea of making the country great again. I’m talking specifically about people that promote and support the destruction of this country 24/7, the same country they live in. I want to get you to recognize that these people are mentally disturbed and frankly very dangerous, especially when they are placed in positions of authority, but yet that’s where we are today as a nation. Many of these same suspects are serving in important offices across the country – from Mayors, to Judges, to Congress persons, to now even the White House. The difference in their [hate] agenda is indicative of the fact that they are hiding some motivation(s) that is counter to doing the correct thing for their city block, their town, their county and their state and country, something that [if communicated to the public] would be considered unethical and illogical. Most likely these types are involved in self-serving activities that are neither constructive nor sustainable, but allow a handful of their close associates to make illicit gains; in essence a course of action that is selfish and counter to the will of the people This is not meant to be a purely political post but I can’t exclude talking about the Democrats here. Democrats are very opposed to any concept of MAGA and they control two of the three branches of the Federal Government [at this writing], namely the White House and both Houses of Congress. What I want you to understand is that nothing good can possibly come out of being adamantly opposed to making the country you and I live in great again, especially when it is the ultimate in unselfish acts.
My argument doesn’t end here – if you’re partaking in these negative thoughts and behaviors publicly, that begs the question, what else are you doing in your personal life to destroy all that is good?… I fear I know the answer to that question. 🙁
The “Problem” Is Not America… What About You?

The “Problem” Is Not America… What About You?
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