The Macro Mess We’re In ~

The Macro Mess We’re In ~

One can benefit from understanding the macro environment for one’s money, one’s health, even comfort and safety. These things can promote individual peace of mind. People have the wrong impression about political conservatives like me, patriots if you will. Just from being on social media sites for a good while now I’ve gotten the impression that the other side – today’s Democrats, think of people like me in a bubble. It’s the way these people push back that makes it obvious. I get the impression over several years that these Democrats/Socialists think of me as a person that tolerates misbehavior, even corruption, as long as it’s performed by Republicans, or someone who is aligned with me politically, that it’s somehow okay by me. Nothing can be further from the truth! Everyone is affected when politicos holding positions determining public policy are corrupt, or liars and cheaters of the system. Everyone gets hurt collectively, let me count the ways; financial markets react negatively; our health and safety can be affected by a sharp rise in criminal behavior, and needless to say, our psyche’s get all out of sorts when we know people we trusted are behaving as criminals or tolerating illegal activities. Corruption plants uncertainty into our personal lives and job security. I understand that bad actors come in a variety of flavors. [I can tell some stories from managing money for so long of what I saw people do that were in positions of trust. I witnessed several people get fired for fraud, two of these people I remember left to serve 5-year jail terms.]

In case you’ve yet to notice it here in America our mainstream media wants us to ignore all bad actors serving across the federal government in various posts as long as they’re Democrats? This isn’t opinion, this is fact! We’ve seen this sort of thing play out here for several years now. Again, it seems like there’s this overriding theme out there to get conservatives down at any cost while propping up their own – the Democrats, no matter what crimes they commit. Influence is still very much alive in the United States government, and state governments, and city governments. It can also effect migration patterns as families move out of one state to relocate into another. So what macro environmental influences should we be watching out for today? I wrote a little on this subject after the 2020 election was decided. It was probably on FB as that predated me having my own website. Let’s re-visit this idea. It’s not that positive, one reason why I’ve never voted for a Democrat in my entire life is about to be revealed to you here. Some of these will poke right out at you while others might not be obvious unless you’re in certain categories or work in a certain industry.

1) What has become known as the “Trump Tax Cuts” are probably safe now that Republicans have won control of the House of Representatives. However, prior to this recent event Democrats were planning to end the Trump initiated cuts in corporate taxes. U.S. corporate taxes prior to this legislation were so high, the highest in the world, before the Republicans [under Trump] repealed and lowered them. And Democrats are all about ever higher taxation even while U.S. corporate CFOs were offshoring operations and profits just to avoid exposure to these tax rates. This hurt our economy to the tune of $trillions of dollars – and for years! Luckily, that planned $billion-dollars funding and hiring of 87,000 more IRS agents to go after American taxpayers has been deleted from the Democrat’s last stimulus bill by new Republicans in the House.

2) Democrat leadership is always marked by the over-regulation of products and services. This pushes consumer prices higher, along with litigation activity just to pay for this over-regulation. Economic growth slows when these Leftist Democrats are in office, which hurts everyone – from the very rich to the very poor. Think about all the new regulations they created just to avoid their fake “Climate Change” initiatives and how that manifested into runaway inflation in the United States.

3) Soft on Crime. Democrats always push for de-criminalization, the early release of criminals out of jail. They’ll also pack U.S. courts with judges who will refuse to prosecute some crimes. Hence, criminal activity rises, especially in more populated areas. At this writing it can take at least $60,000/year to incarcerate a person. Some of these people are put on death row for two decades or longer before they are finally executed. How does one achieve more of something, even more criminal activity? You encourage it by making it easy for the criminal to avoid prosecution.

4) The Leftists, the Democrats are the weakest party in regard to foreign affairs. You’ll see communists and other illegitimate regimes act out with aggression without reprisal when Democrats control our White House and cabinet posts. Bad actors across the world know that there will be little pushback when Democrats are leading foreign policy efforts in the United States. Think of Putin’s Russia, the Islamic Regime in Iranian and the Communist Chinese Party to name a few of these.

5) Democrats have turned our public education system into shambles. From the ridiculous cost of higher education to the Socialist indoctrination of children in K through 12 schools. These children are not being taught American History without inaccuracy, bias, or even not at all. And we hear several incidences where teachers consult with young students regarding transgender-ing and other sensitive topics – all without parent permission. This is a travesty in the making for this country.

6) Quotas. Democrats are the king of quotas – what do quotas do? They weaken corporations and government entities at all levels be it federal, state, or local. Calling up appointees to important positions just based on the fact that they are gay, or lesbian, or black, or brown, or disabled, or a foreign nationality etc. harms everyone involved. It mostly hurts the persons that prepared and trained for that career but they didn’t get the job solely because they are either heterosexual, and/or white, or black, or any other skin color, as an example. This is known as “Reverse Discrimination”. When U.S. companies and their corporate boards and government officials invoke hiring quotas everyone suffers, including the shareholders because we end up with a ton of incompetence in some very important leadership positions. Hiring quotas create a big void in competence. A couple glaring examples come to mind here – Kamala Harris filled one of these Democrat quotas. Also the current Press Secretary for the Biden Crime Family, Press Secretary, Jean-Pierre, is but another example of total incompetence. She was placed in the job because she checked several quota boxes for the Democrats – she’s black, she’s female, and she’s a lesbian. Would she be in this position if she were a man or even a white female? No! What has become totally obvious is, like Kamala, she doesn’t own an ounce of “ability” to perform the task at hand. [Consider the competence of Sarah Huckabee as the President’s Press Secretary. Was her competence ever questioned? Competence on the job is not important to Democrats, as Sarah wouldn’t have made the cut because she’s white, she’s heterosexual, and she’s a great working mother.

7) Open Borders. What Democrats haven’t destroyed from inside the country they’ll destroy from outside. Democrats have completely ignored a border crisis for two years now and it is estimated that more than 5 million illegal aliens have entered our country in that short span of time. We don’t know who all of them are or what their motives. Some have been caught who were on the terrorist watch list, but not all. Chances of them staging another attack on U.S. soil is almost a certainty. Chances of many turning to a life of crime once their benefits run out is another certainty. Democrats have placed our country at risk in a variety of ways here. Everyone is affected by the U.S. losing it’s sovereignty. If you’re reading this and you live in a gated community, or a high rise and you think this won’t effect your way of life, you’re mistaken. Even those blue collar workers entering our country will have an downward effect on U.S. wages and available jobs for our skilled U.S. citizens. Of course the funding of government programs and even capacity at our hospitals – all will be tested. It’s a mess, and it’s all because Democrats are heading up important cabinet posts, offices and agencies.

I have only touched the surface here, the list of reasons to never place another Democrat in a single office in the United States, it’s unending really…

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Jeff Page
2 years ago

Just checking to see if I get pop up.

Jeff Page
2 years ago

This is so true! It’s a weather balloon, once it enters U.S. airspace, down it! Once you see Russian troops massing on the Ukranian border, start out massing them with both offensive and defensive weapons. Show some balls and say NO, not on my watch! Democrats/Socialists always want “diplomacy”; how many times has that worked out on the school yard bully? Never has but, a total beat down gets his undivided attention pronto. Same with criminals like our good friend Hunter who should be in prison along with Franklin Raines and so many others.
Democrats/Socialists want to bankrupt our country so their children can have a better, more government controlled life. Government is good, God is bad. F-bomb, they sicken me!