Surviving a 96-hour Fast

Surviving a 96-hour Fast

If I Don’t Eat for 4 Days I Could Die!
Most likely you won’t die maybe just go into a coma? [just kidding!] I am here to caution those that have never fasted or only completed one of those what I call “fasts for pussys”, [or intermittent fast] where they abstained from food for only 8 to 12 hours? Pardon me while I yawn, but you little woos! To me that’s known as dieting or being too busy to eat? If you haven’t even gone 24 hours without food your body is going to not know anything is different, it’s going to be business as usual down past your throat. I’m no medical expert but I know from doing several of these 3-day fasts [72-hours without food] that the human body won’t begin to know something has changed until around 48 hours or more has passed without consuming solids. Our bodies are pretty sophisticated [by God’s design], so no Zoom call required here, everything that happens next is auto-matic. The body begins to make alternative plans to keep us going, burning stored fat is one of those alternatives. Below I’m going to describe/explain what real fasting is like for a person who is a meat eater like myself. I eat meat and nearly every vegetable one can name. The only thing I still don’t like the taste of is beets, and I know how healthy they are. If you’re a vegetarian [or vegan] reading this and you’re regular fasting you must be Catholic, since only a Catholic would go through that amount of self-shaming. On the other hand, if you’re not familiar with fasting and considering a fast at least you’ll be aware of some things to look for as they play out when you stop eating altogether. I’ll add in some surprises, some best practices [and warnings] at the bottom so be sure and read to the end.

Let’s Get Started
Planning ahead so you have a successful fast is vital. Things like what commitments do I have to meet for the extension of my fast? In work, in play etc. You would not want to put yourself in a position of having to exert a lot of energy when you are not taking in much in the way of nutrition. I’m going to assume you know the difference between strenuous activities and those that require little or no muscle power in your normal routine. If you’re new at fasting go slow at first, one or two days max, 24-48 hours. Once you have found yourself successful at these and want to go further then try a three day stint without food and so on. I think I read where fasting for more than 5 days can be dangerous so read up on that before you try it. I’ve never gone past 3 days myself before completing this one today, my first ever 4-day fast!

The Mechanics of Fasting
Make sure you have ample water available, both bottled and tap, or a fridge dispenser. Water will be your lifeline during any fasting exercise. Next thing I do is stock up on “real fruit” juices, [or fruit/vegetable mix]. I look for juices that fit my taste buds along with containing low amounts of sugar. Anything I can find that has 8-12 grams of sugar or less is very good so buy those. Consuming drinks high in sugar remind your mind that you haven’t eaten anything in hours to days. I don’t want to consume anything that is not natural during a fast, like soft drinks of any kind. If you have a food processor and you’re creating smoothies with solid foods you like, don’t because that’s not going without a meal, get it? Coffee and tea might work but watch the sugar content, use raw and unfiltered honey for a sweetener instead. Creams also contain sugar. After the first 24 hours [Day 1] of consuming nothing but water, introduce 8 oz. [or less] of juice during your normal meal times. Just plain water should be 75-80% of what you consume during a successful fast.

I have come up with a tea, [pictured above]. I call my concoction “turmeric tea” because the contents are water, about a tablespoon [or more] of Turmeric, two dashes of Ginger, a couple whole cloves, a slice of lemon and one tablespoon [or less] of raw & unfiltered honey. I’ve been drinking this almost every morning during these cold Winter days and it’s been great. All these ingredients are healthy, anti-inflammatory and great for healing the gut. Look up the health benefits of all these ingredients yourself, I have. And I’ve noticed a big difference as my appetite in general has decreased plus this turmeric tea has a calming effect on me.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly [of Fasting]
The Good Stuff
What you think is going to happen in your mind and body during a fast is many times exactly opposite of what takes place, that’s the “good” about fasting. Myths like “I’ll be starving once I finish my fast which will make me gobble down food so fast I’ll overeat!” This is not true at all, I’m typing this article and still haven’t eaten anything in four days [one hour from now]. I never feel famished once my fast is complete. I have to almost make myself eat something to restart a regular 3 meal a day routine. Note: [Experts recommend after completing a fast not to immediately begin consuming a heavy meal, go slow, introduce lighter meals in the beginning, this is best practice.]

So the body begins to turn off hunger signals after abstaining from solid food for awhile. This is consistent with my theory on the American tradition of eating “three meals a day”. Much of what we Americans consume daily is not out of need, not at all, it’s out of habit. These habits are the enemy as well as our daily sugar intake, both are the enemy in maintaining a healthy weight profile. One great benefit of fasting is that I have always lost 5-6 lbs. after completing 3 days without a meal. Upon completion of this latest 4-day excursion this morning it appears I’m now almost 7 lbs. lighter. Adult males can probably figure on losing around 1-1/2-2 lbs. per day from fasting, give or take.

The Bad Stuff
You walk in your kitchen open the pantry or the refrigerator and your eyes start perusing food and more food. Not a good idea! Don’t hang out in your pantry or even the kitchen when you’re trying to complete a successful fast. Nor should you be watching the Food Network, food ads, or visiting grocery stores. Why put yourself through that? This is all part of planning your days ahead of time before beginning a successful fast. I do not want to have to go to a grocery store for anything while I’m fasting. Avoid any information regarding things that sound good to eat. Instead spend your time reading or catching up on sleep, or maybe watch a movie marathon?

The Ugly Stuff
Our minds will play tricks on us especially early on in a fast. I’ve had this happen a few times, I’ll be driving in my stomping grounds and see a fast food place I frequent, and my mind suddenly says, “look there’s that burger/chicken place, let’s whip in there and get a burger what do you say?” No! 🙂 Another thing you may experience, light-headedness can come and go after abstaining from food for a couple of days. The coolest part of fasting for me is when the urge to eat anything leaves me then I know my body has made other plans and is now burning stored fat for fuel. This would not normally occur during an intermittent fast.

Remember, We Shall Overcome! 🙂

Read Warning Labels!
If you are taking prescribed medications please consult your physician(s) before attempting to fast. Even over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs are to be taken with food not on an empty stomach. So clear up all these medical concerns beforehand. If you have a health condition that requires that you eat on a daily schedule, do not attempt to stop meals until you have consulted your physician(s). Use common sense!

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1 month ago

Fascinating! Have done 1 day fast for religious reason but ready to try 2 days. Sounds clarifying.