Smile, You’re on Candid Camera!

Smile, You’re on Candid Camera!

Have you been grocery shopping lately? How about inside a department store? Or even filled up your gas tank? How about this, ever run to your mailbox in your skivvies thinking no one is going to see you(?), I have. We Americans do a multitude of activities that take us away from the privacy we enjoy inside our own home. I’ll bet you 90% of that time you and me are being watched from live streaming video cameras [placed somewhere]. That’s right, you can’t get away with nothing these days while out in public. It doesn’t bother me all that much really. I don’t possess evil intent so I’m good with inspecting items at stores that I may or may not end up purchasing. What’s different is that I’m constantly aware of being watched by those cameras mounted on the ceiling of retail stores [while shopping]. If you’re running a business where you’re depending on public traffic to sell goods or services security cameras are a must-have these days. Both to protect the business from losses due to theft and future litigation as well as innocent patrons. This is life in the big city and any retail establishment. Plus, those cameras could one day pay restitution to victims of injustice, so it’s all good. Just remember though if you’re planning to pick your nose while driving it’s best to accomplish that before you get to those red stop light at most busy city intersections? City transportation departments employ cameras too now. Darn! 🙂

Addendum: After writing and releasing this brief bit I moved downstairs to find some lunch where I discovered that my fly was still open, from getting dressed this morning. It wouldn’t have been a big deal except for the fact that I decided to take a trip to the grocery store earlier to pick up a few things… you know on camera? I guess the jokes on me! And what timing huh?

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