In 2021 Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom assembled a group in San Francisco, known as “The Reparations Task Force”, to hold hearings on the “harms of slavery” and “systemic racism”. Enslaved servitude actually dates back to the 1600’s, and I find this funny because California didn’t even join this union of states until 1850. The Civil War began a decade later. There was not a plantation one in the state. There were gold mines in California and the “Gold Rush” found a few people of African heritage essentially enslaved to work those mines, or enslaved until they could pay their own ransoms to freedom, and I read where some did just that, bought their freedoms. Wait, isn’t that what I was doing in Texas before I successfully retired in 2021? I worked and slaved until I bought my own “freedom”, so I have to ask you, what has changed [in America today]? 🙂 The majority of slave trafficking in the state of California by far occurred way before the white man came along. Spain owned the territory occupying California prior to being incorporated by the United States and during that time Spanish explorers would enslave native Californians from time to time but note, these were never Black people!
So now you deserve “reparations”? The last African-American slaves in this country easily passed away before the 1940’s, and their owners way before that. I am a descendant of slave owners myself, I found a document researched by one of my Aunts on my father’s side describing that certain Newman’s owned slaves in Tennessee, Kentucky and I think even early settlers in Virginia, all back in the early 1800’s – that was 200 years ago! The American South was an agrarian society, always was. These several Southern states of the now United States grew the food that was essential to keep the entire country growing on plantations, and frankly allowed all early Americans to stay alive. And yet we still have people, African Americans, that somehow believe that they need to be compensated now for these two century old episodes? Their relatives were compensated for work back then. The way I look at this [in several ways] there’s two sides to every story, i.e. – what kind of life would these slaves have made for themselves without being taken in to live and work on a plantation? Some lives would have been better and some no doubt worse right? So let’s stop the B.S. Most of these total imbeciles calling for reparations today – 99.9% of them have been enslaved themselves for years and don’t even realize it, but they’re enslaved by the Democrat Party. LMAO! You think you’re free to exercise your rights of making intelligent decisions, being provided the truth and nothing but the truth, and free to meet your full productivity in society? No, nothing is further from the truth – you’re just another slave promised some kind of government stipend while others of us are free to really prosper because we have the intelligence to see through all that Democrat Party propaganda, B.S., the same B.S. you have bought into! You’re choosing to be an endless victim over being the conqueror, each time you vote for a Democrat.
I’m not kidding when I say the same ingredients that made American settlers successful from the beginning 246 years ago are in place today – these are tenacity, persistence, education, and training. Asking for, or receiving, handouts is fool’s gold, as ill-gotten gains won’t stay in your pocket very long, a truism that has played out over and over in this country. Stop wasting time asking distant relatives of people to pay for something someone in their family did or didn’t do 200 years ago, and start taking personal responsibility for who you are and what you can build to make a real difference in the lives of those lineal descendants who will follow you. Ever heard of adulting? Be an adult, show respect for the history of this great country your relatives served to protect and build, even to the present day. That’s where you take personal responsibility for your decisions, no one is asking that you take personal responsibility for your ancestors, and we shouldn’t, ever.
I don’t know about you, but I’m never planning to pay for the stuff my ancestors decided to buy, not going to happen – that’s all on them. I believe in “adult responsibility” and that doesn’t allow for rescuing idiocy, which reminds me, your destroying and removing historic statues? You essentially denied the history of this country, [which was not perfect], but at the same time, we must confront and respect all that took place to get you and me, and really all of us where we are to this day. You hide American history and America is doomed to repeat it! That’s my worry, so many ignorant souls in leadership positions all around this great country today. I work really hard on this blog to let people know who their believable leadership is, and IS NOT, and I cannot count one of them on a personal or public level [regardless of job title] who are registered Democrats. Not-a-One! 🙂
Slave Reparations? Off-the-Chart Stupidity!

Slave Reparations? Off-the-Chart Stupidity!
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