“Saws-All” For Sale, $999,999.99

“Saws-All” For Sale, $999,999.99

“Hurry, because this one is going to go quick! Pick-up required, shipping not available” as my advertisement reads. Also have I mentioned exact change is required at time of purchase? 🙂 This is the story about an inanimate object [a plug-in saw] that just doesn’t want to leave me [or my garage], it’s stuck to me like glue, and forever I think. No I know this is true as I’ve used it only twice in the past 10 years [since first purchase]. An explanation follows before I get to your question, on just how I determined my asking price. 🙂

Prologue ~
When I bought this I was involved in several home improvement projects around a house I previously owned. I think I paid around $130-$140 for the saw new which came with carrying case, user manual, and a pack of 5 saw blades. Saws-All is a must have for any contractor who undertakes the task of removing walls. Tearing down walls inside a home is advanced carpentry, no doubt. It is not a task for lightweights with little knowledge of what that wall might be holding up. Before you ever remove a wall in your home you best find out a couple of vital things – 1) Is this wall “load-bearing”?, and 2) what is hiding behind that painted sheetrock or paneling? Any outside wall is almost always load-bearing and probably half of the walls inside a home are critical to holding up something above your head, which allows you the privilege of walking into that room upright, instead of having to crawl on the floor. There are major consequences to getting either one of these questions wrong, from a sagging roof to a total roof collapse to busting a pipe to shorting out your source of electricity. Need I say there are never enough warnings?

Once you decide how to deal with any potential issues and are prepared to proceed there is absolutely nothing better to have in your tool arsenal than a Saws-All. It will literally saw through everything! Wood, sheetrock, plastic tubing, insulated wires and plumbing – Oops! That leads me to my next warning, never ever drive even a nail or a screw or pierce a wall with a saw blade without first knowing what’s inside there – there are no exceptions to this rule! Get yourself a good battery operated “stud-finder” device. There are some good ones out there that will detect obstructions lying deep inside a wall, not only studs, they also can detect exact locations of any existing pipes, electrical wires, and really all kinds of crazy things. A quality device will run you around $85. This can save you from a ton of trouble, maybe even from blowing yourself up [into little tiny pieces] should you saw through a metal pressurized gas line and happen to create a spark? That incident would end the project immediately and get what’s left of you to fit snugly inside a pine box with no insulation required! 🙂

Milwaukee Brand ~
These guys make tools that last, the Milwaukee brand is considered among the most elite of high quality toolmakers. My Saws-All can take down an entire wall in less than 10 minutes, given that everything you’re sawing through is known beforehand, and expected. Cuts through wood studs and sheetrock like its melted butter.

On Price Discovery ~
I’ve had this item listed for sale on the OfferUp app for approximately two years now? The app claims 230 people have read my ad and there’s been at least 3 inquiries during this time. I think my beginning price on there was $100? When it didn’t sell over the course of several months I dropped the price to $90 but still no takers. If someone were to buy this new today with the carrying case and blades etc. it would run them around $150 so I thought I was being reasonable and the fact remains that it has been barely used.

There’s no doubt that this is now the most expensive item listed on OfferUp’s entire website! I relish in that because there is a thing known as “price discovery”. The conceptual value of things, a concept which lives and breathes on Wall St. everyday. The perception of value depends on how much knowledge one brings to the table. Mine is better than average on tearing down walls using a Saws-All. I know the value of making this an easy task to get accomplished. However, this time I lost patience – my bad, as a remedy in my odd and unique style of thinking I thought why not increase the price every week or so? Then surely someone will want it [to stop] and as long as I return to my original asking price they will acquiesce? Suffice to say I’m not above getting into some weird moods and why not try it right? So for as long as it’s still available I’m going to keep raising my price every 2 or 3 weeks going forward. Since then my offer price traveled from as low as $90 before it jumped to $900, then it got even stranger from there. How about $9,999.99 then ask for exact change from the buyer to complete the purchase? Still no takers so from there I hiked the price by 10-fold to $99,999.99. And just recently I went full bore and raised the price to $999,999.99, and to make it even worse I’m still demanding any buyer pay cash and bring me the exact change! I mean screw ’em right!? Believe me I’d go to $9 million tomorrow but the OfferUp app won’t allow a price that high to be listed which includes change [whole dollars only]. That’s why the price isn’t higher at this writing, I need exact change. Hilarious! How about $44,444.44? I like the sound of that, or possibly $77,777.77? Whatever I decide I will always, always insist on exact change!

To Conclude ~
I’m fine with having a wrecking tool around even though it’s not being put to work, it’s being “under-utilized” if you will over here. Although I hate to see a good tool like this having such an idol life. In my humble opinion, power tools were not built for a sedentary life, a life of being fat, dumb, and happy. 🙂

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11 months ago

First, make sure your home is trussed before removing studs willy nilly. This mostly applies to single story homes which many are trussed. Don’t do anything to a two story home, as headers may change your design concepts. You can skip that if you’re not into structural integrity. Strange things lurk behind those walls like electrical, vent pipes and potentially Jimmy Hoffa. Brant, you should cut your price in half and say, NOW 50% OFF!

Brant Newman
11 months ago
Reply to  Jeff

The last wall I removed was upstairs in that guest bedroom project, a contractor came over and alerted me to build a header over an opening in its place. I did that part myself, saved around $2,000 but still had to get licensed plumber to move the gas pipe hiding in there.

Walls are tricky, I never got to ask my Dad how he dealt with them back in the day, he removed several doing renovations.