The Wicked Witch of the West is Gone!
Or one can hope it is so, maybe it is – maybe this nightmare our country has been under is finally over… the people of this once great country, the citizens that is, have sent a huge shot over the bow of the Leftist Progressive Socialist “sinking ship” this November. The Devilcrats were floating a boat once entirely buoyed by WOKE DEI, & LGBQ agendas. In my mind it will always be known as “Transgender this and Transgender that”, “Climate Change” [among other fictitious lies], Homelessness, and never forget the promotion of irresponsibility over responsibility, along with committing Treason by bribing foreign governments. These were the Devilcrat’s standard operating procedures where fuk-ups like Hunter Biden served as their chosen mascots. At least at this writing it seems as if the nefarious plans of the far Left have failed in America.
So Where Do We Go From Here?
How does America return to a sustainable path going forward? That’s what I would like to unwrap. The answer will depend on a number things, things like Kash Patel actually cleaning out the scum that has been holding our Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI] hostage [since the dark days of Obama]. Trump excels in some areas such as domestic economy, international trade policy, and negotiations with foreign leaders. Where Trump was weak prior was enough to cause him and the country daily headaches. He left a ton of Devilcrats and RINOs in important positions across many important federal agencies. And often times these relentless characters who were behold to climate change fanaticism and other out-and-out lies undermined the Trump Adminstration’s goals [domestically]. However, I must say he seems to be addressing this issue from the get-go this time and lets hope he stays on course to completion this time around. All these communists and crooks need to be cleaned out in order for Trump’s second term to be a resounding success. Hence, there’s a ton of work to do by Trump loyalists in snuffing out these anti-American self-serving government bureaucrats. Not only can we address cost inefficiencies but also eliminate corruption, which has been astounding!
On DOGE and Tax Policy
Our newest [no cost] federal agency will no doubt make an impact. However, I do expect the Devilcrats to “fight, fight, fight” against the new department of “Government Efficiency”. The truth is there’s never been anything less efficient than our own U.S. government. That’s not a recent phenomenon, this is how our government has been for decades, as long as I can remember. Many states are also run this way, hence the term blue states vs. red states? Any American household who operates like our federal government would have rapidly gone under, kaput! So let’s wish Vivek and Elon all the best for their efforts here. [I will have more to say regarding the historical ramifications of shrinking the U.S. budget deficit so keep an eye out for that article]. One can also expect that the Trump era tax cuts will no longer sunset in 2025 but will now be extended for both corporations and individuals. I have heard some chatter about further reducing personal income taxes? I know that income taxes on certain categories such as tips and social security are on the chopping block so stay tuned to your news sources out of Washington for that going forward. Yippee!
A Crack at New Foreign Relations
Well, this time we have a leader who will not tolerate terrorism, imagine that. No more enriching America’s foreign enemies such as China, Iran, Russia, North Korea, and maybe others. The Obama and Biden Devilcrats just loved enriching America’s enemies. There are numerous examples of this, stopping the completion of the Keystone Gas Pipeline, plus they halted the practice of exporting natural gas to Western Europe, etc. So what happened in response? Europe was forced to buy natural gas from Russia and oil from Iran. I expect under Trump that Iran will go through the funds the Devilcrats provided them beginning with Obama and ending with the Biden Crime Family. In addition, under this new Trump administration I would expect the Russian economy to shrink back once again. The Republicans [in a move straight out of Ronald Reagan’s playbook] can bring our foreign enemies to their knees, and like McDonald’s “I’m lovin’ it!”
America’s Enemies Now Hide Within
We are about to embark on a mission to cleanse the United States of enemies that now sit inside our own country [and I’m not referring to the Devilcrats, although they are also America’s enemies]. It’s a new phenomenon that is weird but true. Just what do we do with the 11-12 million illegals [from more than 160 countries] let in by the infamous Border Czar, Kamala Harris? This multi-year incident was unprecedented in human history and an act of pure Treason [led by the Biden Administration] on the largest scale ever recorded in the history of this once great country! This is troubling on many levels which has left me wondering how can we unwind this and if so, how soon? That’s a ton of people, representing a total population larger than several American cities and out there creating havoc in our communities. The ones that are terror threats and/or have already committed crimes in the United States are goner’s for sure, but how about the remaining future Devilcrat voters who defied U.S. law and entered illegally? How do we get rid of them before they drain all of our state and local resources? I would caution you to be prepared for havoc to break out as some of these people are caught and captured for the purpose of deportation. First things first, do you own a handgun? 😉
Remaking [the United States of America]

Remaking [the United States of America]
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