What if someone said this to you, would you feel threatened? Think about it because it is fact. Now do you feel threatened? Jesus basically claimed this to anyone and everyone because of his connection to the Father. However, he offers us a solution. Jesus promises his followers, “surely I say to you, I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well…”, [from John 14]. Jesus said these words while addressing his disciples after his resurrection and just before his ascension into Heaven. Of course, it is written that one day he will return and by the way [thus far anyway] all Bible prophecy has been fulfilled so betting against this future incident I’d say is not a good plan? 😉
Knowing the truth contained in Jesus’ message why would a person fail to prepare for their own afterlife? Jesus was referring to what had become known as the second covenant; for no longer did everlasting life [or God’s grace] require sacrificing an unblemished animal in order to pay homage to God. Thankfully, those days in the Old Testament were now past, now gone. This [new] covenant found inside the New Testament promises and maps out a way, [the only way really] to have everlasting life as we surely will all die one day. In addition, it is written [so please understand] that life eternal can not be purchased like an airfare ticket or even from some of your earthly good deeds. Instead, life eternal is contained in a thing known as faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God then the act of walking in his teaching and seeking his truth. Plus, I am reminded [daily] that there is a cost associated with everything that is good in this world and so it is for those of us who follow Jesus Christ. So do expect to pay [via persecution and/or in a variety of ways] as a practicing Christian, as nothing good in this world will ever come “free of charge”.
“No One Gets Out of Here Alive”

Amen brother!