Everyone has had their favorite pets, and growing up my parents had a constant string of cats and dogs, never ending really. I have to say I wouldn’t want to even try to duplicate this particular one. He began life as “Harley” and it wasn’t long before I nicknamed him “Bossy” which stuck and for obvious reasons. He had an incredible ability to entertain without even trying. He was originally obtained to be my children’s dog. Well that lasted about a month before he became our dog and we all derived a ton of pleasure from having him around.
Pictured: My neighborhood jogging route in Northwest Plano would pass a creek with a couple ponds attached which were usually full of ducks. Bossy wasn’t fond of jogging necessarily but he was all in on watching ducks and geese and dreaming of swimming towards them and maybe even having one for duck soup? He always longed to just play with rabbits and birds, I’m convinced he never would have hurt one at all. He was a special kind of dog for sure. Here, he just wanted to observe them swimming and was looking back at me for a signal – “can I go ahead and jump in and chase them Dad?” So I answered back – “No, just watch the ducks from here, I’m not going in to rescue your ass out of this lake”. LOL! Poor Bossy he would cry he so wanted to jump in after them so bad but he didn’t because he knew it was “not allowed”… 🙁 Bossy was such a great dog!
Bossy has been gone for a year now and I know he’s playing with all the ducks and rabbits he wants and this time without restrictions in doggy Heaven.
I love you Bossy! 🙂
My “Bossy” Boss… In Memoriam

My “Bossy” Boss… In Memoriam
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