“And I just can’t wait to meet you!” We’ve all heard that ladies really do prefer men with an edge, in other words bad boys, the kind of guys that hang onto life [not like it’s anything serious] but more like it’s a coin toss. Live wild and live for today becomes the mantra, tomorrow doesn’t matter because tomorrow is out of sight, right? Although ladies always deny they prefer a bad boy [as you read below] I have evidence which proves otherwise.
Here’s one story –
Maybe three weeks ago I received an email link from a dating site. I had heard of this one but never checked it out. Clicking on the link it said all I have to do is create a sign-on to get started, and it will be all free! Well, that is only a half-truth because since then they have solicited me to pay $7/month so that women [who were also free users] can reply to my messages? Otherwise if they were also using their free service then they wouldn’t be able to respond to me [since neither one of us is paying anything]. I thought, well it’s free so I’ll check it out, why not? After all I’m not finding much luck on a site I had been paying. So I entered essential data only and contributed a couple photos [one is pictured above] but skipped writing a personal profile since I wasn’t expecting to be on there too long.
Maybe 48 hours later I received my first email, “You now have 24 Likes! Click here to check these ladies out.” In the days that followed I began receiving between 12 and 24 new “likes” per day! This went on for a week or more. The problem was [if there is one], most of them are my age or older and while many had posted a photo, it was like from two to three decades ago when they were very hot, and very married? Well you know the drill. Dating someone new is like looking for a needle in a hay stack once you’re in your 60s. So I decided I would conduct an “experiment”. I would create a profile and this profile would be what very few men would either admit or even want to be remotely associated with on a website. What I wanted to find out was, will these women send likes or even respond to me if I create a bad boy image on here? Will I get the same amount of attention if these women were told I was just released from jail and I live [pretty much] as an indigent? Let’s find out, shall we?
Here’s the profile I wrote ~
“I just got out of jail, and I’m well ready to begin on a new life. You see, I didn’t run over that neighbor kid’s tricycle [I never thought that thing was built to last], nor did I feed their constantly barking dog Ex-Lax. That puppy must have made a terrible mess inside their little trailer because I noticed he was gone the very next day, and I was finally sleeping soundly thru the night. But that all changed once the Police knocked on my door. That particular week I remember my mobile home was having a big time plumbing issue, so I wasn’t about to leave out to anywhere which didn’t have a public toilet? That leak must have lasted a week, and oh the smell! I fixed it though, I joined the YMCA, now me and my new lady will never have to worry about facilities like working showers and toilets since everybody @ the YMCA showers together – those folks over there are so friendly! No, it was that toilet tank incident which reminded me of how badly I needed to meet the love of my life, a new lady and get her domesticated once and for all into this life I built on my very own, a life of American luxury! The life she’s grown accustomed to and deserves, in a place we can both call “home”, and it’s only 40 miles from the nearest town [and shopping]. I can’t wait to hear from ALL you eligible ladies out there!”
Saving it as my profile I waited to see what, if any, response effects it may have. A few days went by, the amount of “likes” I received from prospective ladies did decrease but much to my surprise now I’m receiving more messages, messages from ladies saying, “I’m laughing my butt [or ass] off!”, which of course opens up a new dialogue with someone I would have otherwise never corresponded with. The fact is, [and I’ll never be convinced otherwise] that even in these modern 2020’s, women are still turned on by guys that live on the edge. In the meantime, evidence exists in my humble opinion that “Nice Guys”, [or men who towed the line, were educated, held responsible jobs, and made good livings while respecting the law], even after all that, us so-called “Nice Guys” will still finish last!
A myth, none of my friends including myself wants a bad guy – not attractive. A real man is the opposite in my opinion
Hi Susan, thanks for your comment! It’s always nice to know that intelligent women are still out there. Maybe I should meet you and your friends?
I’m curious, how did you happen to find this piece I wrote back in September 2023? It would be helpful as the owner of this site for me to know that. And where are you located? Thanks again!
Hi again – thanks, since I’m not woke, my brain is working
One of my friends found the site while scrolling for something else and was looking into it out of curiosity and liked it and so did I. We are located in Sweden though so it would be a bit too far away to meet us :)). But I’m a Patriot, lived in America for a couple of years in the 80’s. My Dad ,who worked for IBM had 4 assignments here and we just loved the country. I’m going back and forth since I still have contacts with friends. I love Trump, doing a great job. Wish we could have him in Sweden as well… We have problems with the refugees as well as you guys – it’s important to know though – the people didn’t vote for it, it’s our government, same as the Biden adm. But despite that – Sweden is beautiful and we have free market.
Hi there. I’m so glad to hear you like my site, I launched it December 16, 2021, and then deleted my facebook account. I enjoy writing on several topics, sharing information, etc. Any true American born here would want to visit Sweden. So glad to know that you are politically conservative. White women in this country are the largest voting block in the United States. They overwhelmingly voted for Obama twice! So I’m glad that somehow they are moving more to the right, as we almost lost our country. Western Europe and the U.S. are going through similar issues with all the Islamics that have migrated to the West, mostly in Christian/Judeo countries like ours. Your English is excellent as I read your stuff. If you join my site everytime I release something new I think it sends an email to let you know. Other than that I do not believe you get bothered. I have no advertisements on here. Maybe one day it will grow to be larger audience that’s why I asked how you found it. Keep watching, if you have topics that you want to share or write I am open to having others contribute and give them full credit. Not many take me up on it. When you own a website a ton of spammers from Russia and China try to infiltrate and break-in etc. Thanks again for your perusal of my site, enjoy your weekend and keep commenting, I reply to all of them.
Thanks – I will look into your site once in a while but only through the webadress. I tried to sign up but it seems it’s not working outside USA. I got this respond:
” ERROR for site owner: Invalid site key”
But that’s fine – I can use the webadress instead.
Enjoy your Sunday!
Thank you, I’m going to check with my web host regarding that issue. if it gets corrected I will let you know. You can also find me on GETTR and Truth Social.
?? Did you delete my respond?
No, I just responded to your previous message.
I have begun working out some issues on my site with my web hosting maintenance team. There are a couple of issues that have been identified. One is the “Contact” page form you referenced. However, that form is simply to contact me by email.
My subscription pop-up window should appear shortly after landing on my site with a laptop or desktop, I’m not certain it will pop-up if someone is accessing my site over a smart phone? That is the form that stores your name and email address for the purpose of keeping you abreast of any new article I release on my site. Other than that it will not bother you nor send you any promotional advertisements, etc.
Looks like that Contact form is now fixed, I’m still working on resolving a couple other things, thanks again for letting me know. Visitors to my site are the best at keeping me abreast of how my site is functioning.
Thanks! I think I successed signing up!
I have written on many topics lately but I’m getting more inspired by the day, I have a couple things that may turn into a writing on here soon. Going forward, you should receive an email notice anytime something new is released on brantology.com.
That’s great, I’m glad to have you – Welcome Sweden!
Thank you, I’m glad to be here!
And thanks for info
or possibly, many of us value a sense of humor – as life is tough and even unbearable at times – without it, and as Elizabeth Bennet said “I dearly love to laugh”. Speaking as someone who saw your dating profile post, it was obvious (to me at least) that you were joking and your gift for language and communication was equally as attractive. Can’t wait to read more….
Thank you Stacy! More craziness leaves this brain for print on here quite regularly so do check back.
And men do not want a well-educated, financially and emotionally stable woman! They only want a woman 1/2 their age with a size 18″ waist with enormous boobs!!
I cannot deny this entirely. Thanks for your contribution on here! I enjoy feedback from ladies on topics like this one. I can tell you though that men are pretty simple, or simple enough. It’s like this, we want to see something that makes our eyes bug out in the beginning, then as time passes it’s her intellect and the things she values in life that become more important, for me anyway. Most women I meet these days never get passed that initial eye-bugging-out phase with me…
Good luck with that.
Donna, most men appreciate values and commonality. That’s our comfort zone. Yes, we are biologically attracted best of breed but; would you personally choose a man at a lower station in life? Your response could teach me quite a bit. I certainly respect your point of view.
priceless! You should have staged a picture with your wife beater undershirt on and fake tattoos holding a Natty Light!
I think I shall rewrite the profile I use on that paid-for dating site to be the same as this one. Apparently, Bad Boys still rule, women don’t want stability, they want to go for one big wild ride – hilarious!