So God Doesn’t Use Super Glue?

So God Doesn’t Use Super Glue?

Word has it that God is not [necessarily] standing by to glue us back together once we screw something [totally] up. Nor is God partial to band-aid fixes. It appears our God is into permanent solutions only? Imagine that. Now you might be asking yourself – “Okay, that works just [have him] fix it permanently then.” In order to achieve a permanent solution through prayer(s), evidently that requires us as individuals to do some [considerable] work. So if you’re praying for some kind of an immediate fix to a challenging situation behold, as there’s a high probability your idea of a fix is not going to match what God’s fix is [for you]? I have found examples of this in my own life.

God is not in favor of applying patches and other temporary fixes then just sending you on your way. (But wouldn’t that be nice?) No, he’s out to move us to fix it ourselves whereby we can learn and profit from our mistakes later – it’s known as the permanent fix! Thus, God’s remedies come from within [us], according to the author of a book I’m reading entitled, “Christian Self-Mastery” by Basil W. Maturin. To be honest, I almost put this book away unread after just 45 pages in, you see, this guy is a hard read for me. Maybe because he’s an Englishman and they use different terminology in describing/communicating things, different than what I’m used to anyway. But now his book, relatively short, is paying dividends so I’m glad I picked it back up!

According to this author, God is not here to rescue us from every little mess and entanglement we get into in this life, that’s on you/me personally. However, he is here to show us how to fix and grow past the issue [permanently]. And the author goes on to say that most of us do not have the patience, persistence and self-control over our own impulses to listen many times and give our moral sense [within] a chance. Still, our divinely gifted moral sense travels along with us [on our individual journeys] even though sometimes it is ignored and overpowered by other parts of our being, [which can become a source of issue].

Here’s one excerpt from the book I found most constructive. I would suggest reading it over a few times as it becomes more meaningful with each pass:
“We often expect our prayers to be answered by the removal of obstacles that stand in our way, but that would not strengthen or restore us. Our prayers are answered by enabling us to overcome the difficulty; they are answered within.”

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Jeff Page
2 years ago

Separate the wants before your prayers. Changed me forever. God never gives you the impossible, difficult maybe, impossible never.