A Film Review from my “Bad-Ass Blondes” Archive

A Film Review from my “Bad-Ass Blondes” Archive

Freedom, it’s just a word, just another utopian concept meant to describe a destination that most of us will never truly achieve. My belief is that as long as I’m paying taxes? Taxes on income, property taxes, sales taxes and more will I ever reach true freedom? But I digress, from a 50,000 ft. view of things the 2019 film titled Anna, does an excellent job of demonstrating how the journey is worth way more, [and way more interesting for that matter], than any destination one could dream up. And for this, I want to thank the filmmakers here.

Sasha Luss
Plays a young Russian beauty just trying to find her place in the world. Without much ado her place in this world finds her first as she gets all tangled up just trying to make a [short] living via the KGB, almost an impossible feat. As if that’s not enough she then finds herself on the radar screen of the CIA. Many doubts exist here for this young lady but they slowly begin to crumble [like a biscoff cookie] once she gets to working with KGB liaison, Helen Mirren. [Note: Mirren is always good in any role I’ve seen her in and she comes through yet again in a believable performance in Anna.]

This film could easily have been three hours long
And I would have been fine with that, a claim I can’t make for almost any film these days. Anna is very entertaining in a number of ways. I’m not going to give up what happens here other than to say this one will keep you on the edge of your seat for the entire two hour [journey], and remember it’s the journey not the destination in life that is the most interesting. Afterall, destinations can get rather boring? But not this film, I’ll give it a solid 3.5 out of 5.0!

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Jeff Page
2 months ago

Gotta see it!

2 months ago
Reply to  Jeff Page

Did you ever see “SALT”? It was released in 2010, Angelina Jolie was the badass in that one. This film Anna is in that same vein, both great films. I think Anna runs a bit more methodical, she’s just trying to make ends meet. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out that some of the same folks were behind both films. Either way these are great action films and who doesn’t want to check out a beautiful lady up close and personal?