Egg on the Face of The Biden Crime Family

Egg on the Face of The Biden Crime Family

Want to know the answer to that age-old question, “why did the chicken cross the road?” So did I, so I looked into it and you wouldn’t believe what I found out. Egg prices are up 65% – yes egg price inflation rose 65% year over year, from December 2021 through December 2022. And we’re paying the price, but why? Because we have to ya’ dummy! Don’t you see we have Democrats running the U.S. economy now. The Biden Crime Family Administration has appointed only incompetents to every key cabinet post. All across the spectrum of decision-makers you will find only complete failures. For example, our Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, [the first queer to ever birth a child according to the media], he’s turned transporting anything in the United States [including people], including eggs, into rocket science. Things are complicated under Pete whether we’re trying to get eggs to market or people onto planes at airports or even across highways, Pete has not one good answer. But boy can Pete birth a child or take a European vacation. Who knew that public transportation was so complex? No one, that is, until Pete came aboard… [pun intended].

So you want to know “why the chicken crossed the road”? To buy a dozen eggs, of course! I’m suspecting it’s now against leftist environmental standards [you know all that Climate Change crap], for eggs to even be laid by hens in America anymore. They must be coming from China now, yes, and why not. buy. Communist. eggs.? They almost taste the same don’t they? Put a little soy sauce on that and you’re good to go! I mean we’ve been buying everything else that goes into our kitchens from Commies, and for years now. Communists are like that, they want to sell stuff to Americans, all kinds of stuff [in order to fund their illegitimate regimes and repress their populations]. They also want to assemble our cell phones, listen to our conversations and infiltrate our top secret Washington offices and records. And as long as Democrats keep getting elected Communists and Terrorists will hold a place at the top of our highest offices inside the FBI, both Houses of Congress and even our White House under The Biden Crime Family. After all, Democrats love to take bribes and Communists always pay… sounds like a marriage made in heaven to me!

Bonus feature:
Egg trivia – why are eggs sold by the dozen? Back in the 1550’s to 1600’s in England 12 pennies made up 1 shilling and the price of an egg was 1 penny each, so it was easier to pack 12 eggs and charge the takers 1 shilling. The tradition has remained in place still today, but of course not for only one shilling – that part of the tradition couldn’t remain in place! 🙂

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