Democrats Excel in Creating Drama!

Democrats Excel in Creating Drama!

Democrats do this one thing over and over and over again, they’re experts at churning up chaos around the world. Maybe it’s their constant craving for attention that deems they exist on drama. Behind every crisis lives a Democrat, they’ll scarcely leave a good crisis idea alone. I’m going to give you several examples of what psychiatrists would have deemed hallucinations back in the day but yet today these “crises” have manifested themselves “reliable” upon being built by Democrats. After they create chaos they then position themselves to emerge as heroes that know how to defuse the bomb and now make what they solely built go away. Now you’ll see this play out over and over again in American society:

The fake dossier that Hillary arranged to somehow substantiate that Donald Trump was a Russian Spy. Now this whole thing – a ridiculous notion from the start grew legs and pranced around Washington until it was found out that Hillary made the entire story up. This cost taxpayers at least $50-$60 million to reach the correct conclusion.

Dr. Fauci holds a position enabling him to fund infectious disease research projects almost anywhere in the world. It was discovered that Fauci funded research at the Wuhan Lab for years and years. The origin of the Covid virus was funded, if not all by U.S. taxpayers, certainly a large chunk of it. What happens next? Dr. Fauci emerges as the expert to rescue us from a situation he created. Today more than 2 million Americans alone have died from Covid.

Al Gore made movies about “Global Warming”, which has since been renamed “Climate Change” by the Democrats. This is a totally fake scenario designed to shame our fuel suppliers into submission to propel the use of alternative sources of energy way before there’s available infrastructure to run America’s energy needs. This has caused energy supply disruptions in many parts of the country.

First day in office for Diaper Joe, he places in motion two enormous crises that did not previously exist under the Republican Administration. 1) Biden stopped all Federal funding that would have completed construction underway on the energy pipeline connecting Canadian production to that of the United States and Mexico. This action help set in motion fuel price inflation we’ve not seen since the 1970’s. 2) Biden stopped all funding to continue building the border wall that would have stopped all illegal migration into our Southern border states. We are dealing with a deluge of illegal immigrants, including known terrorists entering the United States in record numbers.

None of these crises need even exist if not for the existence of Leftists/Democrats/Progressives (under any other name).

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Jeff Page
3 years ago

Two million have died here from Covid? I know the Wuhan virus was bad, but not that bad. According to Fauci we’re all dead and he rules the world. XL Keystone could not have been completed even under Trump, the pipe was ruined under Obama, just left to turn into a pile of rust. What kills me is ANWR & Federal land. We the people own it, drill it. XL Keystone will never be revived, even under conservative leadership. I’m good with that, as it runs directly over another, more important resource, water. A spill would cost billions to clean the tar mud out of the aquifers. I don’t care to do anything that would be a benefit to the peoples republic of canada.
We have to protect the use of nat gas as the energy of choice. It’s cheap, plentiful and actually works. Wind turbines are a failure, here and abroad, England only captured 30% of the energy planned from their wind turbines, lack of wind. Same in Texas just 11 months ago, who would’ve thought? More later…