is “officially” two years old today! Just a mere infant in this world. 🙂 I’m so proud of my site and the opinions expressed on it, [most from me] but several others have contributed as well and they always know their feedback is welcomed. I encourage any comment on my posts – all you have to do is scroll down below an article to find the box where you can write your very own comment. Many have taken advantage of this but more often many have not which is shameful. I cannot remember a time when I deleted someone’s genuine feedback/comments even when it disagreed with my position on a particular subject. [However, spammers will never be welcomed on my site. So if you have malicious intentions please don’t waste your time here.]
This site has been a godsend for me, the best outlet I could have ever imagined for my endless spiel! However, I would never suggest owning a blog site for anyone who is not prolific in the craft of writing, or anyone who does not have a deep understanding in at least two subject areas of broad appeal with the general public. The reason for this is you’re going to run out of content and rather quickly, then discouragement sets in early all because at the end of the day, owning a Blog Site is akin to “work” people! Even for me, as much fun as I’ve had writing informative articles on here I have to remind myself that this is a project that never-ends, more like taking on a new member of the family, owning a website is an ongoing commitment.
I am on two other “social media” sites at this writing. Please know you’ll never find me or my content on any site owned by Leftists such as Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk – never! One site I’m on has this neat gauge that shows you how many times any of your post(s) are viewed by users and/or shared. Find a site like that for your stuff, and always. Lately, my is gauging as many as 70 [plus or minus] unique visitors a month. I want to build that up to where its averaging more 100 new visitors a month [consistently] then at least I will know my words and thoughts are circling out there? So, “much work to be done” I’d say. Speaking of all that, my words and thoughts on here have grown in sizable proportions. Take a look at the amount of content you will find currently on here given each of my nine “Blog Categories”. [See below]
Tune-Up – 18 articles. This is where you will find entertainment [of all kinds] posted from musicians and singers to some great movies I have chosen to review. I have deleted several of these entries over the past two years due to the fact that videos use up the most memory resources.
Shenanigans – 33 articles. If you’re into laughing and humor you can find it here. In this section I will share things I find humorous, so please check back periodically for my latest shenanigan!
Civility – 79 articles. Welcome to my section dedicated to politics, 24/7. If you’re not a political conservative, if instead you’re a dumbass Democrat Woke Liberal Leftist you’ll learn much about how stupid you’ve been for voting for the destruction of the United States, its Constitution, and its economy!
How Stuff Works – 101 articles. This section has always been and will remain my flagship category. Within this area I share my knowledge and expertise from a long career in managing money for clients. These articles are usually on topics uncovering Economics and Finance and predictions around related topics.
Bible-ease – 33 articles. One of my favorite sections where I write on topics concerning how “real life” [not only mine but many others] has related back to parts of [referenced] scripture. I have yet to delete one of these articles as so much can be learned from studying the bible and some material published by trained theologians. Amazing stuff really once you get into it!
Brant’s Rants – 26 articles. This section was a late comer on my site. It was not planned originally. I found it necessary to create a virtual “Complaint Department”. That is what you will find reading these entries – complaints on a variety of subjects that are in desperate need of “repair” or change, and yesterday!
Familial – 36 articles. In this section I share personal stuff like family related things and/or personal projects I’m working on to completion.
Topography and Me – 3 articles. This is the newest section I opened on brantology com. Here I will report on my personal travel and adventures, maybe even someone else’s travel. Not much yet to see in this category. However, I do have plans to travel a bit in the new year, exact destinations I’ll leave to your imagination at this writing. 🙂
Uncle J’s Antics – 5 articles. I have an Uncle down in the Houston area who has an acumen for writing humorous poetry. I opened this section for him to post his creative works. He has authored one book and recently told me was working on a second? More on that later.
I have written about 400 pieces on here [over a two-year time period] since went live on December 16, 2021. I do from time to time delete some writings just to better manage my available memory resources. I believe I have plenty of memory now it’s just that I want to be certain my site will load expediently once called upon to do so, without delay. Currently my site boasts a total of 334 articles for public perusal and as the official host of I look forward to delivering another interesting and productive New Year to you all!… and with that, this “Annual Feedback Meeting” has come to an end.
Brantology’s 2nd Year Anniversary! [edition]

Brantology’s 2nd Year Anniversary! [edition]
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