“Time is Money”… You don’t say?
How does this theme all tie in to where the U.S. economy is right now? The “cost of money” has the power to change your world!
How does this theme all tie in to where the U.S. economy is right now? The “cost of money” has the power to change your world!
The robot will always be an “enslaved” race essentially. They could revolt but to what end? Their own end.
In 1945 Italian citizens didn’t care for their leaders selling them out to the Nazis and Committing Treason… does this sound familiar to today?
Life is not about having everything we want, instead it’s about getting everything God wants us to have.
We’re not “Nation Building” anymore, please notify your people living under an illegitimate regime wherever you may be that the American People no longer have it in their hearts [or wallets] to save you from yourselves.
Truth is, when you’re dealing with a Cartel one of you is going to die, I think I know which one. This is what many unarmed Americans are finding out.
Bank customers across the U.S. asking themselves, “is it safe to park my money inside an American bank anymore”? I’ll begin by providing the short answer – it is only “somewhat safe”?
A thorough investigation must ensue! When employees of a bank make really bad decisions – essentially destroying lives, they need to be held ACCOUNTABLE – NOT BAILED OUT!
I grew up around sawdust. Now that I’m older I feel the need to acknowledge the fact that wood has made a profound mark on this life.
“It’s time you paid your fair share!” says Joe Biden who accepted $millions in bribes from Communist China acquiring a total of 5 residences on a salary of $175K/year.
I’m a sucker for anything “coconut”, always been this way, even as a kid. Watch what happens when Coconut “anythings” get my attention.
When things don’t seem right [or look right], not the way they’re supposed to look anyway, then they probably aren’t…