The H. N. and T. of Things…
Ever wondered how cuisines across the globe evolved? Why is it that a certain people from a certain area consume a certain food? Or even prepare items in a certain fashion?
Ever wondered how cuisines across the globe evolved? Why is it that a certain people from a certain area consume a certain food? Or even prepare items in a certain fashion?
St. Andrews, Scotland is Ground Zero for the Game of Golf… here are some of the Why’s and How’s.
This godless world we find ourselves in, it’s nothing that a nuke or two won’t fix. Does that scare you?
I really would like to find one special person but I keep stepping on my own feet by sending funny quips whenever I see a new single’s profile. It’s like I have this tendency to turn on the smartass?
During real bull markets everyone becomes a genius and we tend to forget that the business cycle remains alive and well. When bank lending is shrinking and loan loss reserves are climbing that should send off alarm bells that things are not copacetic.
Christians who are living their lives at what can best be described as “perfectly” imperfect are said to just vanish from the earth, and all in a single day!
Looks as if when parents approach the inevitable, it must compel them to say or do surprising things? 🙂
Smaller banks have been caught mismatching their assets to liabilities. Are investors in technology stocks doing the same thing?
You should be aware of how Wall St. uses interest rates to project the attractiveness of future corporate earnings. If you want my “take-away” then here it is –
Rental Property is a really bad use of investment capital, that is, owning a property when you’re absent for most, or all of the year.
I found a recipe online, “Idiot-Proof Steak with Mushroom Gravy” then I thought, why not “Idiot-Proof” everything in my life?
I decided to re-release an opinion article I wrote back on December 23rd, 2021. Now that we’re getting deeper into