Want to Elevate Your Golf Game?
Then play golf in the Rocky Mountains! My apology in advance if you thought I had tips to improve your game? The way to elevate your game is play at an altitude of 8,420 ft.!
Then play golf in the Rocky Mountains! My apology in advance if you thought I had tips to improve your game? The way to elevate your game is play at an altitude of 8,420 ft.!
Should these two Devilcrat Socialists win the upcoming election? Fasten your seatbelt because your life is going to change!
There’s an end to every story it’s just that some must face delays for the common good.
Joe’s best days have been the worst for America yet he refuses to pass the torch. Will America’s Dictator be wearing a diaper soon?
Get acquainted with the bully on the block, Jupiter… because what you don’t know CAN hurt you. 🙂
Uncle J’s Antics are back! The long-awaited debate between Criminal Joe and President Donald Trump. Will Diaper Joe be victorious? Find out what happens here –
“Last Stop in Yuma County” reveals a couple truths about the human existence; one, many people are not above taking unscrupulous short cuts in life.
Read how Brian did everything the right way and in perfect timing too!
There will be those that run from you and those that run toward you. Be who you are as opposed to changing into that person you think someone else wants you to be.
Two problems I identify insure U.S. inflation will not be well behaved anytime soon. Fed policy is still too accommodative.
What Jesus had to say 2,000 years ago astonished the crowd then… challenges us still today.
Cameras are everywhere now! It may surprise you to know that in general, I think it’s beneficial.