Are You Living With Skeletons in Your Closet?

Are You Living With Skeletons in Your Closet?

Washington Democrats are. They seem to have lots that needs hiding these days? That’s why they go after anyone who poses the threat of “letting skeletons out of their closet”. In recent history, it has been Republican candidates for [important] office. Reminds me of that guy who chopped up his own mother and kept her in the ice box freezer. She had been missing for more than a decade. What was he thinking, his misdeed would never to be discovered? I suppose he could have kept her in a closet instead. Skeletons in someone’s closet can be like that and Democrats, through their actions, have turned into some pretty sick folks. It shows not only through their actions but in many cases [these days], through their inactions. Take FBI Director Christopher Wray for example, protege to the corrupt former Director of the FBI, James Comey. When Donald Trump was President he fired Director Comey and I distinctly remember the outpouring of outrage coming from the mouths of Congressional Democrats due to the firing. Why when the action was perfectly justified? Oh how Democrats hated to lose a co-conspirator at the top of U.S. Law Enforcement – they really needed James Comey, in fact they required James Comey to stay in place because of the kind of personal lives Democrats like to lead. You see now?

Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop scandal [implicating Joe Biden in a selling influence and money laundering scheme] has been swept under the rug [or closet] for quite some time now. Quite Some Time. It’s okay because Congressional Hearings indicate that the FBI keeps adding these incidents to the now [laundry list] assortment of corruption items that Director Christopher Wray is supposedly “looking into”? I’m LMAO! He sure has a big list involving Democrat Politicians [only] that he keeps “looking into”, and none of it has ever been resolved with the obligatory prosecution. You noticed that also, or is it just me? 🙂 Especially when it involves a Democrat politician or their immediate families. How about that fake Steele Dossier which Hillary ordered once Trump won the 2016 election? A dossier that accused then President Donald Trump of conspiring with Vladimir Putin of Russia. How ridiculous can the endless made-up hoaxes be that originate from Democrats in Washington attacking Republican notables? When will we [as pro-Constitutional Conservatives] ever see equal justice? Not anytime soon coming from a Christopher Wray-led Justice Department, that’s for certain! Therefore, mind if I change the FBI’s official name to the “In-Justice Department”? You know that reminds me, [and I feel bad for this guy], back around six years ago, and before the 2016 election when Barry was still in the White House and James Comey was FBI Director an incident took place exposing corruption at the top levels of the FBI. So I posted on FB about being surprised at how corrupt the FBI had become and that it was only the beginning, I predicted the corruption will continue unabated [which was exactly spot on]. One of my FB friends at that time [I didn’t know him well, he lives in North or South Carolina], fired back with a comment to the likes of “that I was totally wrong, I didn’t know what I was talking about, there’s no corruption in the FBI”. I wonder how that poor dude is feeling now, six years and now several incidents later? He probably doesn’t want to talk about it I bet. 🙂 Oh well, maybe his Democrats slipped him a stimulus payment or two? 😉

Stimulus checks can make people “like you”, who otherwise wouldn’t, funny how that works. Buying friends to influence votes, it’s the Democrat Party’s way, that is, until they get re-elected then they could care less about you or me or even the well-being of our nation. Democrats invented narcissism. However, it’s gone beyond disgusting at this point at the lines they are willing to cross to meet their evil ends. They have been pushing Bills through Congress in a hurry lately, most of which contain pots of money for their friends and constituents as they are so afraid of losing to Republicans in November, a loss that would easily expose various skeletons in their own closets. Are Democrats that scared of personal responsibility, and being counted as part of a productive vs. a destructive force? That’s so sad.

Maybe if Democrats were told that God sees all and that they will pay for their indiscretions /crimes/etc. once payment is due in full [on his watch]. It’s never been up to Donald Trump or any other competitor, it’s not their call to make. Democrats wake up in the morning thinking they’re Gods themselves. In the end, dirty deeds do not remain hidden as eventually everything comes out in the wash. God makes sure that happens…

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Jeff Page
2 years ago

Kinda makes you really want to see them puking chards of glass.