Another Single Guy’s Corner

Elephant playing with donkey in the wild

Another Single Guy’s Corner

I haven’t added one of these in awhile, I don’t have much material left (in my brain), and I’m thinking maybe that’s a good thing? But here’s some “homemade” advice that I have followed which can serve a single person (works both ways, for women too) pretty well going forward.

Let’s say you’re dating a lady and you’re curious as to whether or not you and this person can go the distance? We all get to this divide in the road eventually. One way to answer the question rather quickly is book a trip with them. Spending a week or more in close proximity to her can reveal a bunch more about who she is than just quizzing her over several dates.

However, there are caveats – like never travel with a lady who is upset with you. Never, unless you want to hear what you said or did over and over again, like the last three times she told you weren’t enough? Plus of course they document everything just in case you might push back by saying “but I didn’t do that!” No, they have what you both were wearing (or not wearing), where you were, the date and time, and on and on. Men actually remember some things also, it’s just that we do not regurgitate it easily unless she does something to remind us of it. Us guys are not wired that way.

Back to the subject matter, think about it – why would you place yourself in close quarters with her when she’s mad at you? Trust me, if a woman wants to hate you for something, even if she loves you, she’ll come up with more than one reason to hate you! See how that works? She’ll think of things that we never even had a clue we were doing wrongly. They are way too talented at this game, so don’t even go there.

However, let me say that when booking trips these days, a considerable amount of time is required in order to arrange reservations in advance for things like planes, hotels, autos, and maybe even ships? Keep in mind this whole time you two are going to be in close proximity to eachother – the entire time, which we find out later can be very good or even not so good?

Here’s one experience I had back in 2015. I was dating a lady I met thru a popular dating site. Things were going along well so we decided to book an 8-day cruise along the Mediterranean Sea. Mind you, we were only 4 months in when we booked this trip 4 months in advance. By the time the trip was imminent things had kind of cooled a bit, my enthusiasm for her was waning by this time, and I think she felt it also. So now it’s time to leave on the trip, although the trip and tours were great, it only brought to light the fact that being together 24/7 non-stop did not add any value to our relationship, it only made it worse. So we’re coming back on the plane over the Atlantic and it’s at least an 8-hour plane ride. Now mind you, on a plane you can’t just decide to take another seat, you have to sit exactly in the seat you booked. So there we both are sitting next to eachother, and I was having to hear why I am such an asshole for not wanting to share an address with her, for 8 hours! So my position remains – do go off together on excursions, all the while understanding that some of these must be booked way in advance… and will we even be together by then? It’s difficult to cancel big travel reservations made months in advance. Still better to be in that position than having to cut a household in half along with bank accounts and credit cards I suppose…”

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