And This Year’s “Hypocrite of the Century Award” Goes to House Speaker, Nancy-Pelosi!

And This Year’s “Hypocrite of the Century Award” Goes to House Speaker, Nancy-Pelosi!

I’m doing it “for the children” says Nancy. The 81-year old House Speaker will be turning 82 this year and has just announced she’s running for another term in Congress? If you are unaware, Nancy Pelosi represents a San Francisco district lined with filthy homeless drug addicts who have quadrupled on her watch over her 30 years in Congress. They’ve ruined a once beautiful city. But now get this – Nancy is going to run for another term “for the children”. Is that not the most hypocritical statement ever? What parent(s) in their right mind would let this crazy lady even near their children? It’s just the latest in a string of lunacy, as it’s always hypocrisy on steroids from these useless, America-destroying Democrats.

Be sure to view the 3-1/2 minute video below because I want you to hear for yourself how she proclaims she’s for “Reproductive Rights”. Does that ring a bell? It should, as she has been a staunch supporter and fundraiser for “Planned Parenthood”, the organization which kills more than 350,000 unborn infants per year, per year, just in the United States alone! The majority of these infants were minorities, which is also very sad. Now given that information, I want you to tie both of her contradicting statements together and by all means enjoy the hypocrisy! Once again she says, “I’m doing it for the children”… what America has in Nancy is one pitiful individual.

Fact: There is no political party in these United States responsible for more genocide of unborn children than today’s Democrat Party, nor will there ever be in the history of this country! 🙁

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