I thought I would compile a list of the Top 10 Worst Ideas for Americans – Enjoy!
Voting Democrat:
This has to be up there in the top three for any American, this one needs no elaboration, it’s self-explanatory.
Riding a Horse:
Thank God for Henry Ford is all I can say. And some people still think it’s entertainment to ride and stable their own horses. Still today, on average 710 Americans are killed each year while riding horses, I knew one person that lost his life at the age of 34. The most recent statistics indicate that fatal accidents from horse riding occurs over 1 in 10,000 rides, want to be another statistic?
Buying a Motorcycle:
Some people can go their entire lives without suffering one accident on a motorcycle, it’s just that no one has ever met one of these people. 🙂
Buying a Boat:
The first day of purchase is as elating as the day someone finally agrees to take it off your hands. I want to convey here that I actually like boats and boat rides – I really do… but I always cherished the fact that it’s someone else’s boat I’m in.
Renting Out a Home:
So now you’ve decided to be a Landlord? Why do you hate yourself so much? What was it in your upbringing that brought you to love torturing yourself to the extent of being a landlord? My suggestion is for you to visit a shrink instead, never rent out your own property to someone else!
Buying Season Tickets to the Dallas Cowboys:
I had to laugh about this one. Don’t tell me, I already heard, this is their year right? It’s only been 27 years since this franchise has done anything in the post-season. Look at it this way, if you combined this franchises pre-season promises altogether you’d run out of paper to print them on!
Owning Several Domestic Animals:
Let’s see she’s single and she has a cat (or two), plus a dog (or two), plus a fish tank, plus a rabbit, and she’s also raising chickens in a backyard pen and now she’s decided to get on a dating site and find someone new? Wait, why not add a turtle to the mix instead? Yea, she’s really ready to share her life with someone… looks to me as if she already found all the dates she’ll ever have time for. 🙂
Having Your Love Interest Tattooed On Your Body:
He had Anna’s name tattooed on his upper arm, [maybe so he wouldn’t forget who he’s dating?] Looks like Anna bailed out of his life and he really needs to find another woman named Anna or he’ll need to take a trip to that tattoo artist. Looks like he gave up on that idea, just cross her out because he found a “Rosalie”! After Rosalie there was Jessica, then Tina, and now Laura? At least he keeps his tattoo artist busy right? Getting this type tattoo is a very bad idea for either gender. I’m old school but I think stamping yourself with permanent ink is never a good plan.
Using Tobacco:
I remember smoking cigarettes as an early teen and thinking that I was being cool. That eventually led to a two-packs a day habit from age 21 to 26 when I finally quit for the last time. Took me 5 attempts to finally stop them, but it was the smartest decision I ever made. Tobacco in any form – cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, it’s all pretty gross. Get into an elevator with someone who just finished a cigarette in the designated “smoking area”, and when those doors close that’s fun huh? Or kiss someone who is a smoker, another not fun exercise. I know of no non-smokers that want to be around someone that smokes. Tobacco smoke gets into your hair, your clothes, your auto, the carpet, even the walls in your house. In my opinion, you’re better off abusing alcohol – look at it this way, with alcohol it will take a lot longer to kill you.
Taking Up Golf After the Age of 50:
I can’t decide whether to just unfriend the two guys that got me into this game or strangle them first. 🙂 Golf has to be the most complicated game to master in all of human history. When someone tells me they’ve taken up golf my first thought is “So you didn’t already have enough frustration in your life?” But I must admit that even one great shot [or amazing putt] per round is enough to keep most golfers [like me] coming back for more.
Top 10 Worst Decisions a Human Can Make!

Top 10 Worst Decisions a Human Can Make!
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