We love it! No seriously, we do because when you want to find the most gullible investors & consumers on the planet look no further than inside the United [Socialist] States of America. People here just love to get their asses kicked all over inside the financial world, in the name of some esoteric ideal. They don’t really care, and you know why? Money grows on trees here. Oh, you didn’t know that? That our Federal Reserve performs “magic”, making money appear out of nowhere, that is, until they can’t do-it-anymore. And that’s where we find ourselves today, the money stimulus game that extended to the outer skirts of an infinite universe has somehow ended in this “La-La” land. Even though the Biden Crime Family will swear to you that it’s just not so! For the record, Democrats are only concerned about the upcoming election. After that, they don’t care if you starved to death before you freeze to death. Get it? 😉
A really good way to get your ass-kicked right in the wallet is to ignore these Socialists while they toss Americans off a financial cliff, similar to when native Indians ran buffalos off a cliff, same cliff, it will feel very similar. However, life in America doesn’t have to be this way, but it does for as long as these Socialists are in control of the Federal, as well as several of our state governments. They will be running innocent folks off a cliff in the name of their woke-ness, their “Climate Change” and “ESG” initiatives, and not to mention their LGBQ-XYZ-ABC movement, all so ingrained now as bona-fide causes within the small brain of a lunatic Leftist. These faux concerns, all are purely fake movements, are way more important than the fact that you and I need food, shelter and transportation… way more important!
Once the polls open up on November 8th, watch these same ordinary folks re-elect many a Socialist simpleton across the land. It’s simpletons re-electing simpletons over and over in today’s America. Don’t ask why as I already mentioned that. Again, Americans love receiving a good ass-kicking, it makes them “feel” better? I guess for some it’s more humble to hobble around with a deeply bruised butt? Kind of like they made a contribution to some cause, it matters not that the causes are totally bogus, and fruitless, and even down right destructive to their own families, not to mention our country. No, all that stuff doesn’t matter. This way fools like this can claim [once again] that they sent “orange man” packing because he was for truthful government and U.S. productivity and defending our country against foreign invaders. And we wouldn’t want that now, would we? The fact is that to today’s Leftist all that stuff sounds like hard work, at a time when their Socialist government has promised instead to take care of them… I wouldn’t be surprised to even see pacifiers distributed by these Democrats after the November election. After all, we wouldn’t want to hear those [adult] babies crying all night long, now would we?
Americans Love a Good Ass-Whooping!

I guess so, damn it’s hard for Leftists to face reality. They so want to be “right” while they’re hanging onto left idealism just once – just one time!
This U.S. economy doesn’t come with a stop loss trigger so I don’t know what the White House is thinking as they continue to deny reality.
They know what’s best for you. Just ask them!
They know how to raise your children better, they’re professionals. You’re such a racist, cracker, you’re white. Can we just send more jets to Mr & Mr Obama? Desantis could send a few thousand at least while Abbott sends bus fulls to Bwoston. Target 1 area at a time and load it up. DC, NYC & Chicago. BTW, the trash quarters have begun. I bought FDX on Monday, I’d be happy to sell it to for 10% less than I paid for it . GE is dumping Q3 right now. Check out IYT, Charles Dow lives!