Alan Turing Invented Artificial Intelligence

Alan Turing Invented Artificial Intelligence

It was English Mathematician Alan Turing that first proposed and successfully tested machine learning and the year was 1950! It was not and never will be one of these Tech Oligarchs who are parading around claiming the prize for this work. Turing was the mastermind behind the use of software coded commands that led to companies like IBM developing the mainframe computer a decade later. That was Turing’s work, not some useless Left-wing Tech Oligarch. Democrats never invent anything, all they deliver is misery to a society. Then who developed the binary code [system of 0’s and 1’s] still used in computer processing today? It was credited to a mathematician named Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz. However, he was known for plagiarizing other’s work back then so it could have instead been a collaboration between an Englishman and a Spaniard. But here we go again because all this happened in the 17th Century!

So given the facts above tell me how and why Artificial Intelligence has just been invented as the mainstream media sources [as well as some tech companies] are proclaiming. Understand that the media gets most things wrong in this country. They promote untruths so be careful ever following stories from all but a very few news sources in this country. None of those reliable news sources are ever ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and OWN. Only on occasion can CBS and PBS be relied on to tell us the truth. Artificial Intelligence as a concept has been around since 1950, along with robotics, it’s just that few applications existed for years. Now that everyone is connected via the internet and satellites enable all sorts of communication and we’re even performing tasks like banking and driving using computer chips it’s become economical and natural that we can arrive at more advanced applications. This isn’t some “new idea”, as several tech companies claim it is, they’re using the A.I. buzzword in order to boost their stock price. Nothing new to see here folks, nothing yet anyway, so go back to whatever you were doing before and remember “don’t call us, we’ll call you”. LMAO!

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Jeff Page
1 year ago

This is actually a great story, one that should be told. Computing power that is needed wasn’t available until GPU’s worked in concert with CPU’s and memory transfer speed (NVDA). This is our today’s technology. Moore’s law is being diminished. You can’t go 0-60 in negative time. Did you see ADP #’s today? 2X consensus. Banking crisis? If there’s smoke, it may be a fire underneath!

Jeff Page
1 year ago
Reply to  BNewman

Did you write this in ASCII version 1?