A Not So Great Debate!

A Not So Great Debate!

Uncle Jeff and his antics are back! This time he details the upcoming [long-awaited] debate between Criminal Joe and President Donald Trump brought to you by Commie News Network, CNN. Will Diaper Joe repeat? Or will President Donald J. Trump be the first criminally prosecuted President to ever be elected to our highest office? Find out what happens right here –

The lights did dim, the stage looked cosy,
As one bounded out, the other did mosey,
Biden on the left, no big surprise,
Trump to the right with fire in his eyes.

The lights came on, Joe stood stiff as a board,
His head dipped down and then he snored.
Trump stood erect and looked ready to brawl,
“Look how relaxed Joe is!”, read the CNN crawl.

Tapper said to Joe first, “Your wisdom please share”,
Joe stood silent and rhythmically breathed in the air,
There was a slight hiss and without moving a bit,
His voice boomed “Thanks Jakester” which was a big hit.
“Hey wait” shouted Trump, “That sounded recorded”,
“Wait your turn, you misogynist racist brute” Dana quickly retorted.

Joe’s voice continued “Let ‘em in by foot or even by boat,
As long as those newcomers are able to vote”.
Trump replied, “Let’s talk facts so there can be not doubt”,
When all of the sudden, his mike did cut out.

Joe’s head hit the podium as his voice continued to say,
“What a great job I’ve done and I’ve done it my way”.
“The economy’s roaring, the world’s a peaceful place,
I’m strong, energetic and young – just look at my face”.

The camera cut to Trump as Joe nodded and started to drool,
Trump smiled and snickered, “Just look at this fool”.
“Here’s my plan to move America to good from bad”,
As he began to explain, CNN went to an ad

“We’re back with President Biden and this convicted felon,
Joe, please continue and we’ll keep Al Capone here from yellin’“.
And so on and so on the entire night went,
Biden on tape, Trump getting bent.

Trump was prevented from talking with media tricks,
Joe was dreaming of sniffed hair and long ice cream licks.
Finally, Trump got a second and said in a voice rather tense,
“This is a sham, I’m trying to save us by making some sense”.

Tapper exclaimed, “Oh look, it’s time to shut this down”,
As off camera, Joe’s tired body slumped to the ground.
The Washington Post headlines proclaimed the next day,
“Biden was magnificent, Trump had nothing to say”.
“Who’s the old man now?” they continued to mock,
“Biden looked at ease, Trump couldn’t talk”

Soon after Alvin Bragg arrested Trump for a serious crime,
“This felon’s now counterfeiting and will do major time.
He admitted on national TV and should burn in Hell,
That he’s making cents and probably dollars as well”.
MAGA nation responded “We all make sense and must strongly say no”,
Fat Al said “These terrorist currency corrupters also must go.
We’ll double bunk them at Rikers with January sixth goons,
We will not tolerate these cents making loons”

So the election was held and more Biden we got,
As MAGA Nation sat in jail and slowly did rot.
But, one crisis was solved as Joe declared with a grin,
“Now into their houses, the illegal migrants move in”.

The borders remained porous and our military barely alive,
And Joe one more term simply did not survive.
For the Democrats’ wet dream soon became reality you see,
By late ’25, the US was governed by President Xi!

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