The Law of Indecency: Promulgating Lies of the Left

The Law of Indecency: Promulgating Lies of the Left

So Jen Psaki is leaving her White House Correspondence job for something more “saki”? I thought she was free to spin all the political lies one could tell in a 24-hour period. No? Jen’s heading over to where all abnormal’s eventually congregate, it’s that end of a career spiral down before they leave out the final drain never-to-be-seen-again, that of “career-ending” MSNBC News. I mean some people out there still believe Bill Gates has answers for anything, needless to say those numbers have been dwindling for more than a decade now as their network audience stats show. Bill began MSNBC as a way to promulgate things that weren’t true over a nationwide television audience, things that always fit neatly inside his false Leftist Socialist narrative… it’s where MSNBC network got the “MS” monaker added onto “NBC” news. Are we caught up yet? No, I fear we’re not; what I’m about to share is a laundry list of lies the Left wants you to believe in – all unicorn fantasies to spread across the masses, oh so many of their tales are just that, “lies”… 🙂

In one of Jen’s latest lies, Dictator Vladimir Putin is now responsible for U.S. inflation and any recession that may stem from it? Seriously? You must be joking Jen! I don’t think so, energy prices began to move immediately higher when Diaper Joe wrote an executive order halting all work to complete the Keystone Pipeline to quickly transport North America’s energy needs safely and economically. Instead, Diaper Joe went with [Democrat Socialist] Warren Buffet’s push to rail it and suddenly the price soared! I remember all this because it was the last time I took a position in anything new in U.S. stocks – the Energy sector. LMAO! This isn’t my first rodeo, and when you try and destroy the energy industry in America guess what always happens? Energy prices come back to bite, and they bite down hard. Energy prices don’t just nibble on your flesh, they come for your total wallet and they take whole chunks, out. Energy in America goes for the throat once you “wake the lion”. How idiotic can our Democrats be? Vladimir Putin and his little $1.5 trillion dollar economy? Doesn’t mean shit to us here, never has, never will. Try another lie Jen! 🙂

For two years at least Commie News and MSNBC News and ABC News and a few other fake news networks refused to cover the overwhelming evidence of treason committed by our weak president Diaper Joe and his son, Hunter Biden, plus Joe’s brother. All three were selling influence to Communist countries like China, and even an independent Ukraine in exchange for millions when Diaper Joe was V.P.; all the evidence of this activity on Hunter’s laptop plus bank records confirm this illegal and treasonous activity. Yet Democrats claim there’s nothing to see here? I distinctly remember a time in our country when Treason like these three guys have committed [in return for millions], warranted the death penalty in America. Today the Democrat Party is in terrible need of a very good explanation for their fake news cover-up of this enormous scandal. After all, the Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal is the “Mother” of all treasonous news cover-ups!

Shall we mention Hillary Clinton and her last presidential campaign accusing Donald Trump of being a Soviet Spy, but only after he won the Presidential election in 2016? L-M-T-A-O, can anything be more ludicrous than this idea!? And it was all bought in by these idiot Democrat followers. Hilarious! Will Hillary Clinton ever face a tribunal, and criminal justice for her act of Treason against her own country?

Democrats and their spokesperson, Jen Psaki, have no answer for the millions of illegals that are pouring into America from our Southern borders, from California to Texas they’re coming in nonstop. No answer at all, and Democrats won’t even visit to see where record numbers of Fentanyl seizures along with “known” terrorists are entering our country daily as you read this. Americans should be on alert as millions have now crossed illegally. Do you know how many Americans have died from Fentanyl overdoses just in this last year since Diaper Joe has been president? More than 100,000! But will Jen Psaki reveal this truth? Again, the answer is Never!

Meanwhile our country continues to lead from behind on the world stage and our U.S. economy will shrink huge [my prediction]. Only once these lies are uncovered and many Democrats are prosecuted and serving time in jail to set the record straight will our country [and its economy] finally get back, on track. 😉

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Jeff Page
2 years ago

I’m so bummed. She held on for more than a year. Gin Saki is merely switching asylums but, I still lost the bet.