Gaffe-ridden Joe’s New Cold War!

Gaffe-ridden Joe’s New Cold War!

If you’re working and you hate your job? I have “good and bad news” for you. The good news is you may just be excused from the office again (and soon). However, this time it won’t be to avoid a Chinese Communist Virus. Instead, gaffe-ridden Joe is gaffing his way toward involving the United States in a nuclear showdown with Russia. That’s right, aren’t you elated that you voted for a Democrat for President instead of someone that emanated Ronald Reagan-era strength each and every day? When no Americans were ever at risk of losing their lives, their property, or their family, remember how good that felt? Well friends that’s over, introducing [for your viewing pleasure], Gaffe-ridden Joe! The fact is that Russian and Chinese (and you name Communist leaders) all behaved when our President Trump was at the helm. Those days are over friends, now we have the Socialist Left in control and we’re stuck with the weakest leader in all of the Northern Hemisphere… and now you know the “bad news”.

We had the best President since Ronald Reagan was in the Oval Office but Democrats couldn’t handle his truthful tweets. Now we have all the news media outlets (the honest few) talking about how many embarrassing and outright dangerous statements that Joe Biden has made just in the last few days. According to Fox News’ guests and commentators Joe has made five major gaffes in a row, just in the past few days! Unfortunately, one of these blunderous gaffes apparently revealed that the United States military has been secretly training Ukrainian soldiers in the quest to defeat their Russian invaders. Probably special forces of the Army or maybe Navy Seals deployed for this type mission? If this in fact is true (and it appears to be), this is a matter of National Security and yet gaffe-ridden Joe is out there on international television across the world espousing U.S. Top Secret information now? Lovely!

I remember when I was in first or second grade our teachers had to conduct drills during class where all the students (just kids) had to crawl under their desks so that we would be prepared for an atomic blast from a Communist country like Cuba or Russia (at the time). Friends your Democrats have returned this country to the fears associated with a Nuclear War with Russia, a new Cold War. In the famous words of Oliver Hardy I must repeat, “What a fine mess you have us in now Laurel (Joe)!”… please excuse me now while I clear some space under my desk?

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Jeff Page
2 years ago

Hey Joe, loose lips sink ships!