I’m Astounded at How Ignorant People Think of Capitalism

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I’m Astounded at How Ignorant People Think of Capitalism

Like it’s magic, that somehow a Genie appears out of a bottle and grants certain people a monetary wish? How far from the truth! It’s all about incentivising people, pushing people through to making the best decisions to grow and succeed, that’s the magic, if there is any evidence of magic at all. Because the truth is that magic takes a tremendous amount of one’s personal time and effort to occur. A ton of sacrifice! But yet, some ignorants out there will tell you, it’s all about “privilege”, “rank”, and proper “brown-nosing”. Honestly, brown-nose types are found in every office employing a bunch of people. You’ll find out who they are pretty quick – they’ll reveal themselves almost immediately, we all can spot them right away. They’ll do anything but hard work to obtain that “one-up” advantage over all the others, so we spot them a mile away! But they never bothered me for long, I always figured they were lacking in the self-respect department, because they’ll do anything to avoid the “real work” it takes to get somewhere. Then there’s the honest among us that don’t expect that which we never earned on our own. I found pretty early on that earning something myself is the best way to keep it forever?

If you’ve been given everything in your life, you’ll never truly value that which was handed to you on a silver plate… how many people can you identify in America that are living this reality as you read this, we all know several of these. With that, I think I just uncovered (at least half of) the secret to success in a truly “Capitalist Society”.Nuff said!

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