Lessons in Italian…

Lessons in Italian…

In 1945, Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini was shot then hung upside down for a reason, turned out that Italian citizens didn’t care for their leaders selling them out to the German Nazis, essentially Committing Treason… does that sound [kind of familiar]? Americans so far have tolerated Treason by our leaders going on for what, almost three years now? Turns out that Democrats will vote in a Treasonous Traitor and his family. They’re fine with placing “The Biden Crime Family” inside the comfort and security of the White House on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Not a problem at all for these Democrats because they’re all in on destroying American institutions along with our Constitution. And just like @ McDonald’s – they’re “lovin’ it!”… When will Americans receive justice via the impeachment of the traitors, “The Biden Crime Family”? It can never come too soon!

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