First Inaugural Anniversary Edition

First Inaugural Anniversary Edition

Read all about it! My site is now officially one year old. It’s been a great year, a fun year. I truly love the freedom of having my own site to express my opinions without the woke police controlling their perverted brand of fictional propaganda, over the truth; the awful reality of what we see and hear from these idiots daily. Building out a custom website is not without its challenges though believe me. As far as traffic goes I don’t do much in the way of advertising my site other than letting people in my inner circles and other social media sites I subscribe to know that my site is available out there. So if you’re selling internet users or touches don’t bother me. I’ll grow this site organically myself. It may take some time but I’m not in any hurry. I remember when I joined Facebook, I started with around no connections, had maybe 60 friends on FB for awhile. Once I left facebook for good on December 15, 2021 I had 817 friends plus 430 friend requests still waiting for my approval. If I’m adding value I never worry about making connections.

Let me tell you what I do, and don’t do on here – the difference, and reasons you should visit at all. First of all, I’m not here to replace the media, not at all. My forte is writing opinions and making predictions. I don’t just randomly post wild predictions that make zero sense. Well, some of them might make zero sense to you initially, until such a time as they come true? I’ll provide more examples of some predictions I’ve made in the last paragraph. I have met much pushback from my past predictions when I was on FB. Back in probably 2014 or 2015 I announced that there was corruption at the highest levels of the FBI and received much pushback for it, a few people claiming I was crazy, and that the FBI was a respectable organization. LMAO! Look what reality now tells us about the highest level of law enforcement in this country today.

I’ve been making predictions mostly around money management for many years; I used to tell clients when I was providing recommendations on their portfolios that I’m right about 95% of the time. However, there’s always that 5% chance that what I’m telling you is wrong. Explaining that my predictions could be wrong, but were they willing to roll the dice and ignore the advice to see how things turns out? If they did they didn’t do that for long. I stood by my record, as they were right about 95% of the time! I was able to retire completely in June 2021 but mostly because I had taken my own advice. 🙂

I’m not stingy about sharing my predictions and opinions. I’ll write about any subject that I think can add value to a visitor of my site. Some of my predictions over these past two years – [use the keyword search button on my main page to check articles I wrote on these topics and when I wrote them]
Despite what the Federal Reserve and Joe Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen are telling you, inflation will prove to be non-transitory.
The Federal Reserve is way behind in raising interest rates, and still is at this writing.
The terminal rate will not be 5% as the media has suggested. My prediction was the Fed will need to raise short-term rates to 7%.
The U.S. stock market will face a major decline, predicted before this year began, I was completely out by before May 1st, though I have added a little exposure since.
A Joe Biden presidency will be nothing but a referendum from Obama, essentially Obama 2.0, a zero to no annual growth scenario.

“Climate Change” will prove to be a completely false narrative, humans can never control the weather on this planet by their actions, or inactions.
Crypto Currencies will prove valueless, just a hype born from years and years of our Federal Reserve manipulating interest rates to zero.
The NASDAQ Composite will bottom @ the 9,600-9,800 level during this economic downturn. This has yet to take place, but I stand by my prediction for this index.
The U.S. military will be drawn into the Russian-Ukraine conflict. I trust Russia is ready to confront NATO? They better get ready, lest they leave Ukraine!

U.S. government debt will face a major downgrade that roils U.S. financial markets. This has only happened once before. Money parked in long-term treasuries is toast!
Every cabinet member in this Joe Biden Administration is completely incompetent. My prediction was proven out for every one of them!

From me and –
Here’s wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas,

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Jeff Page
2 years ago

Yeah, but you get your accuracy from me! LMAO!